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* Standard profile

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Blue Metals

Business type: Trading Company
Business type: Importer, Exporter,
Number of employees: < 5
Annual sales value: Euro 5.000.000 – 10.000.000
Established year: 2004


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Firm Rank: 0

Blue Metals is a steel trading company that deals in prime, surplus & secondary steel in Coils, Sheets, Plates, Beams, Pipe, Tubing, Wire Rod Coils, Reinforcing Bars, Forging Qaulity Bars throughout the world.

We aslo import these items into North America.

Address data

Street:5-B West Wasington Ave
Postal code:18940
Country:United States
Phone: +11 215 8602345


Contact person

Name and Surname: Michael Kaye
Phone: +11 215 8602345
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